Getting started

It is easy to get started with Easy 1-on-1s. In just 1 minute, you can set yourself up with a free trial and start exploring the web app.

Read on for guidance on how to start your first 1-on-1 series successfully, and how to get even more value out of Easy 1-on-1s.

Milestone 1: Set up

  • Register for a free account: Click here, enter your email address and name, and set a password. No payment details are required - your free trial starts automatically.
  • Sign in to the web app: Access Easy 1-on-1s from a desktop web browser for the best experience.
  • Explore Easy 1-on-1s: Spend a few minutes viewing the Quick Start Guide and the example 1-on-1 series prefilled on your dashboard. Try accessing the in-app help menu. You can also try setting up a dummy 1-on-1 series using a friend's email address, to get a better feel for how the app works.

Milestone 2: Inviting a colleague

  • Contact your colleague: Let them know that you'd like to start having regular 1-on-1 meetings with them, using Easy 1-on-1s. So there are no surprises, ask them to keep an eye out for an invitation email from Easy 1-on-1s.
  • Set expectations: Agree on the desired frequency of your 1-on-1 meetings. For best results, this will be weekly. Also make sure that you are both aware of the preparation, review, and discussion time required each week.
  • Explain benefits: Your colleague may be wondering why you have asked them to use Easy 1-on-1s with you. This website can help you articulate how Easy 1-on-1s can save time, empower your team, and help you get more done. Also note if there are any specific challenges you are looking to address.
  • Create a recurring calendar invitation: Set aside a 30 minute timeslot each week In Outlook, Teams, or your calendar of choice.
  • Send an invite in the app: Create a new 1-on-1 series with your colleague via your Easy 1-on-1s dashboard. This will send them an email invitation to Easy 1-on-1s.

Milestone 3: Conducting a 1-on-1

  • Prepare your discussion notes well: The value of the Easy 1-on-1s method hinges on the quality of discussion notes. Enable Preparation Coach for step-by-step guidance. The act of filling out the template helps you form a clear and coherent plan for the next week, and ensures your manager has all the information they need to make decisions and help you achieve your goals.
  • Include metrics: This provides an objective and quantifiable signal for you to make decisions and act upon. These metrics don't have to be the same as in your existing KPI reports and performance scorecards - the in-app help has some useful guidance on selecting the best metrics for your 1-on-1.
  • Flag discussion topics prior to meeting: Managers must spend a few minutes reading the discussion notes in advance, and flagging the topics for discussion. This lets you jump straight into the important stuff.
  • Meet consistently: Meet at the same time each week, no excuses. This helps build good habits.
  • Follow meeting agenda: The in-app discussion checklist provides a suggested agenda. Stick to this closely - it will help you avoid distraction and cover the most important topics.
  • Assess the quality of the 1-on-1: Leave a minute or two at the end of your scheduled meeting time to complete the self-assessment checklist. It offers an opportunity to reflect on what you might need to change to ensure you are both getting value from your 1-on-1 meetings.

Milestone 4: Getting even more value from 1-on-1s

  • Change up your metrics: Remove any metrics that are no longer driving decisions or actions. Include only the metrics that provide a useful signal as to whether or not your efforts are prioritised correctly, and if they are having the desired effect.
  • Cascade Easy 1-on-1s upwards and downwards: If Easy 1-on-1s is working well for you, consider using the same process with your line manager, or your direct reports. The prioritisation, alignment, and coordination benefits grow exponentially as more of your colleagues join Easy 1-on-1s.
  • Check the quality report: See which of your colleagues are having trouble building good habits, or who don't feel like they are getting value from their 1-on-1s. It's easy to see this via the in-app quality reporting. Reach out to colleagues who aren't getting value from their 1-on-1 meetings and find out what extra support they need.
Have a question about getting started with Easy 1-on-1s?